Friday, May 29, 2009

Thickets and Thorns

Recently I visited a friend who lives on a farm and they have quite a bit of land. In the morning we went on an epic hike through pastures, meadows and the woods. It was fun! And also a bit arduous. At one point we were going through thickets filled with thorns and brush. There was no way to avoid the thorns as we made our way through. We just had to plunge through. Thankfully I was wearing a fleece, jeans and sneakers so I did not get scratched up. But the others with me had sandals on and their ankles and feet got scratched up in the process. Finally we made it through these thickets and emerged in a clear wood where the walking was easier and more pleasant.

Those thickets impressed me, though. There was no way to avoid the thorns.We tried to take the best path but even then the thorns still stuck out. Is not this true of life? On this side of Heaven there is no utopia where there is no temptation, no difficulties and no pain. It is everywhere and it will effect us, no matter what life we are living. The most diligent, productive Christian life will contain these temptations, difficulties and pain. So what do we do? Do we stand there waiting to be translated upward? Do we turn and run? Do we dig a hole? No, we plunge right through. God has given us tools and armor so that the thorns won't hinder us. The covering of His protection and the Armor of God enable us to keep marching in the Christian walk. I did get pricked a few times, and there is certainly pain in everyone's life. After all, Jesus experienced more pain than anyone. But we have the shield of faith to protect us and the constancy of Christ's presence that we can ever move forward. By faith, Jesus conquered and in the same way we conquer. Whether in the thorny thicket or in the wooded vale, we press on. We move forward covered by His hand and leaning on His promises, by faith

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