Thursday, July 12, 2007

Rainbows around us

I saw one of the more spectacular things I have ever seen this evening. To set the stage I shall inform you that I live in a very hilly terrain: not mountains but many hills and valleys. I live more on a hill. And we have been having some pretty nice sunsets lately. ---------->

So this evening having returned from making some purchases I saw the sunset and grabbed my camera and took some very nice pictures. When I was satisfied I went to my room to putter around. Several minutes later I happened to pass by my father “Ladybug (as he calls me) did you see the rainbow?” Rainbow? I grab my camera again and rush outside to behold a spectacular sight……a rainbow was stretched across the sky- but what made it spectacular was that I could see both horizons where it originated (because I live on a hill) therefore it was a humungous arch. There are no words to describe what an impressive sight it was. I of course started snapping pictures. And of course I couldn’t fit the whole thing in the pictures because of the size. I shall attempt to share the pictures. I ran back in the field next to our yard to try to get a better shot. Then I ran like a lunatic to the car, barefooted and sped down the road to see if I could get a better shot- to no avail. 10 minutes later the rainbow was gone. And it started to rain. But I hope I always remember that rainbow.

The irony of this is that I almost missed that rainbow. I was outside faced the other direction looking at the sunset as the rainbow must have been starting to come into view. If my father hadn’t said something I would have totally missed that spectacular sight.

I wonder how often God is trying to get our attention....or we are so preoccupied with what we think is important that we completely miss the promises of God all around us? We might be faced the entirely wrong direction and have just to turn around, look around, and we would see a completely different picture?

(pictures aren't the best: it was starting to get dark and my flash made everything too pink for some reason :p)


Edward said...

Wow, I've never seen a rainbow on both sides of the horizon before.

Pretty awesome!


Christy Joy said...

those are beautiful! what an awesome God we serve!

We MISS you!

Unknown said...
