Monday, February 18, 2008


It was Monday at 4:30pm and I had just come from "Colony to Nation" with Dr. McArthur. Because I had randomly decided to wear a skirt, I was more chilly than I normally would be on this brisk February day. Therefore I was hurrying down the promenade, my mind on what I had to accomplish before my 6pm class. I had to rush home and find some food, find the paper I had written for my class and skim the chapter that I had not really read to have an idea of what we were going to discuss that evening. And I was cold. So as I approached the student center I decided to go in and see if anyone interesting was around and un-thaw myself before the plunge down the road to Southern Village. Alas, no one was around so I turned to head out. An older lady was behind so I held the door for her. "Thank you honey," she rewarded me with after the first set of doors and after I held the 2nd door open she came up and put her arm around me. "If you have a few moments you should go to the prayer garden and look for a surprise. You have to sit down, look at the plague and then look around before you will see it." I smiled and thanked her, but was quite puzzled. What in the world was she talking about? I didn't want to turn around immediately to head back up the promenade while she was watching me so I walked in to the religion building with the excuse to check my box. Having found nothing in my box I walked back up to the prayer garden. At first I wondered what plaque she was talking about but figured she meant the large wooden sign with the quote from Steps to Christ. I walked over and stood in front of the sign.

"'God is love' is written upon every opening bud, upon every spire of springing grass. The lovely birds making the air vocal with their happy songs, the delicately tinted flowers in their perfection perfuming the air, the lofty trees of the forest with their rich foliage of living green -- all testify to the tender, fatherly care of our God."

I looked around, and then down. There were flowers - snowdrops scattered about the area next to the sidewalk. They were all around and they were so lovely against the brown ground. Snowdrops, my grandma has told me, are one of the first signs of spring, along with crocuses (croci?). "'God is love' is written upon every opening bud, upon every spire of springing grass." I smiled. I bet this is what the lady was talking about! The little flowers were so delicate and pure and such a beautiful illustration for the quote. As I left I noticed some other students walking toward the sign in the prayer garden. I bet that lady had told them to come looking for a surprise in the prayer garden too! What a neat lady!

Now, I can't be positive that the snowdrops are what the lady was talking about. Perhaps there was a monkey scurrying around the trees or something else she was talking about. However, I think I found what the lady was hoping I would look for and find- a reminder of God's love in the midst of my busy, preoccupied day. And I hope those who came behind me found the same.

Don't get too busy; don't get too preoccupied to not notice the little reminders everywhere of the great God that we serve. He wants us always to have in our minds how much He loves us. Look around and see the flowers, hear the birds, smell the rain, appreciate the smiles, laugh with little children, admire the blue sky- they all testify of our Savior's love.



bekah said...

darls, you're such a good writer!

Danielle said...

why did you delete my comment?