Tuesday, June 3, 2008


I googled for the definition of what "perception" is and amongst various definitions I settled upon the following: The feelings, attitudes, and images people have of different places, peoples, and environments.

And because I fancy myself a student of psychology I will add this:
In psychology and the cognitive sciences, perception is the process of acquiring, interpreting, selecting, and organizing sensory information.

I was thinking about how I perceive the world different than every single other person. Certainly some people's perceptions of the world are similar to mine but I do not believe any one person thinks exactly the same way as another person. Because we all have different life experiences, we see things differently based on those experiences.

Our attitudes about life around us and how we interpret the information and experiences thrown at us every day are absolutely unique.

These thoughts came to me recently because I was reading an article defending the move in New York to recognize gay marriages. My initial reaction is "that's ridiculous. this world is going down the tubes." However, I believe it is important to stop and consider where people are coming from. I read the article and from that person's perception of the world, they had come to a very logical conclusion. I disagreed but it was well-thought out conclusion. I sat with the article and pondered this world. I was born in to a Christian Seventh-day Adventist home. I attended Christian schools my whole life. I have a "traditional" family with my parents still married to each other. I have been raised in a middle class white family. I live in the United States of America where freedom/liberty of speech and religion are accepted. I have freedom to travel as I have the means. This absolutely shapes my perception of the world

However, so much of the world does not enjoy these privileges and so much of the world has been raised with vastly different values and ideals.

My point is that we cannot blame people from where they come from. None of us had control of where and to whom we were born. We cannot judge people on how they have been raised. This could easily evolve in to a "what's good for you" - post modern attitude. However, I cannot believe that and be a Christian. There is a danger in hastily judging people. There is also a danger in accepting everything. It seems to be incorrect to say "I'm right" in this world. It is seen as non-tolerant and prejudiced.

But. Yes, we can't judge.. But. There is right. And there is wrong. How does someone come to that conclusion? Can someone come to that conclusion apart from the Bible and God? I'm not sure it is possible.

How do we not come across as nonjudgmental and yet hold to morality in an immoral world?

So much of what bothers me about this western world is the focus on self. We need to feel good about ourselves. We need to accept our selves and let our "inner beauty" shine. We need to be strong. We need to be real. We need not to be ashamed of ourselves. I appreciate the well-meaning behind these sentiments. We should feel good about ourselves. However, that should not come from within. We need to see ourselves in light of Jesus Christ and the worth that He gives us.

*Sigh* I'm not sure if there is any point to these ramblings. They are unorganized and spontaneous. It just seems discouraging. However, we were told that life would be like that. "As it was in the days of Noah..." People are just out for pleasure as they were in those days. Morality has become relative. Everything meant for good is perverted. Those against gay marriage are seen as intolerant and judgmental. Morality cannot be legislated. When the people become immoral so will the laws become more accepting. Anything goes.

But Jesus is coming. We have this hope.

And in light of His promises we must live our lives in the face of what ever may come. We must live as beacons of His truth and His will. And He will do the rest. We just need to be faithful.

(images: http://isg-mit.org/projects-storage/Survey_Perceve&Introduce/perception.gif, http://www.holisticeducator.com/perception.jpg)


Leslie Ann . . . said...

I so enjoy your deep ramblings, Lorrie. I share your discouragments on these types of topics. This is why I'm glad that God is who He is. One day He will come and make everything all right and it won't matter anymore. --LAS

Danielle said...

I am still waiting for yoru "update for danielle" blog